Hello world!

I am a strong believer in the fact that everyone is living their own battle one day at a time. Although in the grand scheme of things we could rate them on a sale but would that be fair?
I sit here sometimes at the end of my rope not know what to do next and then feeling pitiful because I know there are so many other worse off then I am but the truth of the matter is I am not dealing with their struggle I am dealing with mine and it is REAL and it is HARD and I do STRUGGLE.
Some days I am stronger then I thought I could be and other days I dont know if I can push myself any further. We all have those weak moments. But I wake up everyday and I do my very best and really what more can I do???

I have had numerous people tell me a BLOG would be a great release and in a way my own kind of therapy but something I just never got around to and now I kick myself for not starting sooner because the last year and a half has been hard. Although to be completely honest the past 4 years have been rough and some days I just don’t know how I have managed. So I am hoping this is a place for me to vent when I need to as well as keep a record along the way 🙂

Anyways it would be impossible to fit the whole story in one post before beginning this blog so I think if I start with a brief intro that might be enough.

I am racing towards 30 faster then I want to but this fact I am trying to ignore. I am about to move into a new house after living with my mother and brother for several years (Due to personal circumstance) so I am nervous but most EXCITED about that. I have epilepsy – Once upon a time it had control of me but these days I am pretty confident I have control of it. I’m an insomniac with an anxiety condition and I think those last two factors stem from the fact I am for all intensive purposes a single mother of 2. I am a stay at home mum because I honestly do not have the time for work unfortunately. I am currently studying Auslan and hope that maybe one day I will be good enough to become an Auslan interpreter.
My kids are amazing, and I love them more then life itself. Everything I do is for them and I try my very best everyday to give them everything they deserve and so much more.
Master B who will be 10 this year – He is a bright kid who has a kind heart.
Miss A – Now Miss A is why this blog has come about. She 3.5 years old and AMAZING. She is the complete opposite to Master B. She is bossy, strong willed and moody. She is also loving and clingy and Deaf. (But that’s a story for another post)